The Zen Supermom Method

The fact that you can’t stop yelling at your kids, even though you realize how damaging it is to their mental health and your relationship, means that it became an automated reaction and you have no control over that.

There are usually two interlinked reasons for that:

1. It doesn’t matter if you know you experienced a trauma in your childhood, or if you have very happy memories and love your parents. If you get into a fight/flight/freeze reaction when your kids make you feel helpless, powerless, or out of control – it’s a sign of developmental (childhood) trauma. Because once upon a time, you were forced to be the “good girl” – had to do as you were told, always say yes, always listen, never be in a bad mood, … otherwise you’d be punished/not loved by your stressed parents.

That’s why, until today, when someone pushes your boundaries this way again, and makes you do things you don’t want to do, that hurt child within you jumps up at them to protect you. That’s why you yell like a 4-year-old. You know it makes no logical sense, it won’t get you long-term cooperation from your kids, and it will make everything even worse. But you can’t stop that urge at the moment. 

And that’s the sign of childhood trauma. Because yes, being yelled at when you were little – causes pain that you carry with you for the rest of your life. Unless you heal it.

Learn more about the generational developmental trauma in the Zen Supermom Podcast Episode #35.


2. If most of your anger outbursts come when you’re stressed out, exhausted, or pressed for time, your level of stress resistance might be lower than the heaviness of your challenges. Because right now, your behaviors and emotions are driven by very similar patterns that your parents had: Controller, Perfectionist, Hyper-Achiever, Victim, Hyper-Vigilant, Inner Critic…

If your parents couldn’t teach you how to handle stressful situations with calm and focus, no wonder you “lose it” when life gets tough.

Solution? Rewrite those automated patterns of your parents and increase your level of  ‘mental fitness’ so that you can handle more pressure without losing your calm and focus.

Learn more about the Mental Fitness practice in the Zen Supermom Podcast Episode #18.


Through my personal experience and working with hundreds of busy moms, I realized the combination of GENERATIONAL DEVELOPMENTAL TRAUMA THERAPY & MENTAL FITNESS is the fastest and most effective way for busy moms to stop yelling and stressing, and start setting healthy boundaries with calm.

That’s how the Zen Supermom System was born.


1. advanced trauma healing & parts transformation

Classic talk therapy gives you space to talk about those painful experiences that stayed in your long-term memory. But that’s about it. You talk, analyze it, feel the pain all over again, … And you leave the sessions with NO practical ways of healing that pain. No way of managing those big emotions that came up. There is no healing. 

And I hear this from all of our new clients who come to us after they have tried EMDR, CBT, RTT, hypnotherapy, timeline therapy, EFT, etc. None of these methods are equipped to heal childhood trauma.

So how do you stop having automatic anger responses today if you can’t even remember if/what happened in the past that’s causing this?

Through advanced trauma healing specialized at those generational, cultural patterns that are engraved so deeply that you don’t even consider them a ‘trauma’ – incl. the “good girl” syndrome, motherhood as a sacrificing martyrdom, not feeling good enough, etc.

Why are these advanced techniques more effective and faster than classic talk therapy? 

Because you not only talk, understand and analyze what happened to you. 

You uncover those core wounds, resolve early traumas (even those you don’t consciously remember), and finally heal the pain that’s stored not just in your memory but also in your body & subconscious mind where your uncontrollable anger is shooting from. Generational developmental trauma therapy uses quick, specific tools that make the pain finally go away.


Specific processes include:

  • Connecting to the Inner Child
  • Rescuing the Inner Child™
  • Transformational Voice Dialogue™
  • Cutting Cords
  • Clearing the Deep Past
  • Healing Traumatic Events
  • Working with Family and Cultural Beliefs
  • Healing Childhood and Collective Traumas
  • The BodyWisdom Process™
  • Clearing Beliefs

All therapeutic coaches inside the Zen Supermom program are certified in these advanced trauma healing techniques, and have been trained personally by Alena to be able to apply them quickly and effectively with the Zen Supermom clients.

2. mental fitness

The problem with your childhood pain is not just that it created trauma you didn’t even know about.

What most people don’t realize is that the emotional “baggage” of their parents and all their beliefs have been transferred to you. You might have uncovered come of it (stressing & yelling at your kids) but the biggest piece is running your life without you even knowing about it. 

Don’t believe me? 🙂 

So check in with yourself – have you even noticed any of the following tendencies: Judge/Inner Critic, People-Pleaser, Hyper-Achiever, Controller, Perfectionist, Avoider, Victim, …?

That’s why doing only childhood therapy would not give you permanent results because your childhood trauma would keep getting you stuck in these trauma coping mechanisms.

That’s why the second key pillar of the Zen Supermom Method is Mental Fitness. Because that’s the fastest, most effective way how to start resetting those trauma mechanisms, few seconds at a time. So that you stop attracting the same toxic people, stop saying YES, even though you know you should say no, and start taking time for yourself without feeling guilty.

Discover MENTAL FITNESS here.

client results

I don’t ask my clients for video testimonials because I understand how sensitive it is to admit publically that you used to be a yelling mom…

But after having worked with A. for 3 months, her entire last 1-1 session was practically one big testimonial, listing all the ways how she changed and how grateful she was for having got on this journey of becoming a Zen Supermom…

So with A’s permission, my video wizard made this short clip for you.

If you’ve ever wondered what’s possible when you heal from a violent childhood, toxic abusive marriage, and after having yelled at your kids for years… Then this is it.

And if it was possible for an expatriate mom of 2 boys, it is possible for you too.

More sharing straight from the Zen Supermom clients…

For more & latest testimonials, follow me on Instagram or Facebook.

want to learn more about the zen supermom method?

Get instant access to the free ZEN SUPERMOM MINIBOOK here.

You can also sign up for the upcoming LIVE, FREE “Mommy Tantrum Training” here: How to Stop Yelling At Your Kids (Why none of the Parenting Techniques Helped You, and what WILL) 

Or contact Alena at directly.


Can’t wait to see what’s possible for you and your children once you can stay calm, set & keap healthy boundaries, and stay connected with your children in any stressful situation, supermom!


zen supermom team

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Zen Supermom Program Coach

Silvia is an experienced Therapeutic Trauma-Informed Coach and she studies and is certified as a Clear Belief Coach under the supervision of Alena Gomes Rodrigues.

She is Italian and has lived in the UK since 2000 where she has built a life and career.

Silvia is a mother of 2 children, an 18-year-old daughter, and a 13-year-old son. She experienced narcissistic abuse and supported a close family member to recover from an Eating Disorder. She divorced her husband after a 20-year-long marriage, took the bold step to leave the safety of a paid job, and stepped into coaching as her full-time mission. 


Tina pic


Zen Supermom Program Coach

Tina is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with credentials from the International Coaching Federation (USA), Trauma-Informed Certified, NLP Practitioner, and Clear Belief Certified.

She has conducted more than 1400 coaching sessions.

Tina is a proud mother of 2 (17-year-old daughter & 20-year-old son). She is from Lebanon, based in Abu Dhabi – UAE with frequent hops to Montreal – Canada, where her children live and study. 




Zen Supermom Program Coach

Christine has a rich professional background, starting with a Medical Doctorate from McMaster University, Yoga Teacher Training from Awakening of Spirit YTT, Health and Wellness Coaching certification from IIN, and 10 years of leadership in a natural solutions company. She’s also certified as a Trauma-Informed Therapeutic Practitioner, EVCCP Clifton Strengths Empowerment Coach, and Compassion Key Practitioner and followed the Trauma Centred Neurocoaching and Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness training.

Christine is Canadian, and she raised her two (now adult) boys as a single mother. She spent 7 years abroad living in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and the Southern USA.




Zen SuperDAD Program Coach

Viktor is German, father of 4 children, lives in Tuscany, Italy and works worldwide.

He has 25 years of experience in personal development, life coaching, training, and facilitating in the corporate world. Originally, he trained as an actor in Italy and France and learned to speak and work in four languages (German, Italian French and English).

He is an expert breath therapist and body and mind practitioner, specialized in clearing limiting beliefs, and healing childhood trauma.

Next to working in the Zen Supermom Team, Viktor is also a  Corporate facilitator, Actor, Presence Trainer, and Yoga and Meditation Teacher in the Himalayan tradition.



Zen Supermom Front Desk

I’m Kristie, a nature-loving, home-schooling mum of two wild little boys based in the UK.

Education is my passion. But when I realized I was trying to teach my children the mental and emotional skills that I simply didn’t have, I knew it was time to re-learn some things myself!

Alena and the Zen Supermom program were the answer. I LOVE what I’ve learnt and how my life has changed. I’m now working at the Zen Supermom virtual front desk and I love that I can be there to guide others to the help they need.



Zen Supermom Client Success Manager

I’m Sassy, a full-time housewife, homeschooling my two young boys, and I also work as a virtual assistant and media editor for several businesses. On top of that, I run my own small business, do one-to-one consultations and create content as a babywearing consultant.

I find passion in helping families build bonds and promote healthy and secure attachments. I emphasize the power of hugs and connection, and I give much importance to mothers’ mental health. As the saying goes, “When a baby is born, everybody wants to hold the baby, but nobody holds the mother.” Working with Alena and the Zen Supermom Team allows me to marry the skills and the passion that I have.

P.S.: Thanks to Alena and her expertise, my life has shifted in the most beautiful way, impacting my relationship with my husband and improving my connection with my children, and most importantly, unconditionally loving the inner child in me.



Zen Supermom Community Manager

As a charter member of the Mental Fitness Gym, it has been a while since I have had a difficult day. When I do feel stressed or overwhelmed, I am able to recover quickly by doing PQ reps. 

Through this practice I have accepted myself as being perfectly imperfect, and I love discovering more ninja level ways to stay calm and feel peaceful. I am the Nanny to two littles. They were my motivation to become a better person. Children are truly the greatest teachers. With no filters, they invite us to be better (if we are willing to do the work!)

As Community Manager, I look forward to getting to know you as you become the best version of yourself.



Zen Supermom Founder

Alena is a trauma-informed mental fitness coach, expatriate, former corporate HR leader, and a proud mom & wife.

Living and working abroad since 2006, starting her first coaching business in 2015 and becoming a mom shortly after, Alena is passionate about helping supermoms do it all without burning out, even if they don’t have much help around.

That’s how the Zen Supermom Program was born.

Currently based in Paris, Alena works with English-speaking women and men all around the world.


want to find out if we could help you
stop yelling too?

Sign up for the FREE, LIVE “Mommy Tantrum” training where I explain it all, and answer all your questions.

See you there!