Zen Supermom

helping loving but stressed out moms stop yelling at your kids & set healthy boundaries with calm

Feeling the pressure to be a perfect supermom?

And how do you do it all – take care of kids, go back to work, manage your home, have enough time to rest, … so that you don’t start losing your patience already in the morning?

Your parents might have been too strict with you but then how do you raise kind, emotionally strong, respectful kids, without yelling and punishing?

how i thought being a mom & wife would be like...

... and how it really turned out...

So if it is really possible, then HOW?!

Definitely NOT through better time management, or routines… Because running faster in your hamster wheel makes you burnout. Already tried that, right?

 Parenting tricks and scripts don’t work either because your kids don’t always respond the way they “should”. And once that black cloud of anger fills your head & body, and you feel like exploding from the inside… You forget all about that smart parenting advice, don’t you?

So WHAT works instead?

top 3 most downloaded episodes of the zen supermom podcast

Ep 18: Want to control your emotions before they burst out? Start HERE! (Mental Fitness Intro Part 1)

Ep 35: Can’t Figure It Out Why You Keep Yelling at Your Kids, Though You Want To Stay Calm? (Generational Developmental Trauma Awareness)

Ep 46: 3 Steps To Stop Your Child From Hitting You – Without Yelling

zen supermom youtube channel

If you rather watch than listen, you can follow the Zen Supermom YouTube channel for the latest & most useful videos.