Zen Supermom
helping loving but stressed moms
make your kids listen more
without yelling

If you can't control your anger with your kids, it's not their fault...
No shaming or blaming moms. I know you’re doing your absolute best.
(Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here, trying to learn how to stop.)
I realized I used to be my daughter’s first bully too.
I used to blame her for my anger, stress and impatience…
And none of these gentle parenting techniques helped me.
So I know how hard this is and I’m sending you my compassion. I will never judge you.
The good news is that you already know that you can’t raise happy, kind, respectful kids by punishing, bribing, or shaming them into obedience.
Because you see how they copy your anger outbursts and turn them against you…
But HOW then? HOW do you make them listen without having to yell?
Well, to be a healthy, safe example, you need to learn how to
manage your big emotions and set healthy boundaries first.
But I am asking them nicely, like hundred times, before I finally start yelling! They just don’t care to listen!
First, you need to understand where your uncontrollable anger comes from.
Even if you had a happy childhood… Even if you had a really bad childhood but did some therapy already… And even if you don’t remember anything from your childhood…
In 95% cases (from all the thousands of men and women I spoke to over the last years), your uncontrollable anger comes from your childhood.
From the situations when you did not feel heard, respected, not worthy of love just the way you were. You were punished for having big emotions.
That’s one of the signs of unhealed generational developmental childhood trauma.

Ep 35: Can’t figure it out why you keep yelling at your kids, though you want to stay calm?? (Generational Developmental Trauma Awareness)