
Why Goal Setting is the Worst Strategy for Stressed Moms

I get it, you want to feel organized, efficient, making the best out of the limited time you have. And there are lots of productivity coaches out there who offer tons of productivity tips, and goal-setting strategies to turn you into an even more efficient machine. But trying to squeeze in as many tasks as possible is a trap…

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The Freeing Truth Behind Stress that Every Mom Needs

I used to be a stress-junkie. I was trying to do everything, for everyone, to prove that I’m good/smart/hardworking enough to deserve being valued, appreciated, and loved. It was a super fuel for my career, for the development of my skills in many areas, and a justification to think of myself being better than others. Wow, what a mix, right?

microhabits are the fuel for change and can help you get what you want

Microhabits: No Excuse to Get Sh*t Done

Microhabits are daily actions that you design to be so small and short that you won’t have any excuse not to do them regularly. Sounds super simple, right? So where is the magic and why should you care?