How to Stop Your Kids from Pushing Your Buttons
If you find that your kids know the secret to making you feel completely inadequate/clueless/helpless/disrespected as a mother, there’s one thing you need to do first.
If you find that your kids know the secret to making you feel completely inadequate/clueless/helpless/disrespected as a mother, there’s one thing you need to do first.
I get it, you want to feel organized, efficient, making the best out of the limited time you have. And there are lots of productivity coaches out there who offer tons of productivity tips, and goal-setting strategies to turn you into an even more efficient machine. But trying to squeeze in as many tasks as possible is a trap…
Do you also feel alone, carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? The most normal reaction is to get stuck in a complaint trap. Want to learn the Ninja trick to break free from it?
ONE OF MY OWN BITTERSWEET EXPAT STORIES INCLUDED I used to coach an ambitious corporate expat lady, we can call her Amanda. She moved from Australia all the way to Europe to further grow her career and she just seemed to have it all. However, she came to me for help because she felt like …
Procrastinating? Lacking Motivation? It’s Time to Do It Differently… Read More »
No matter how smart, beautiful and successful on the outside, I haven’t met a woman who wouldn’t have any critical opinions about some part of her body, if not all of it in general. All of the women I worked with were struggling with negative feelings about their bodies. And even though they hired me …
Fall In Love With Your Body: 3 Best Habits Voted By My Clients Read More »
First Aid Kit to Lift Your Mood Are you feeling down today? Maybe too tired, stressed, exhausted, overworked… If that’s the case, this is your first aid kit. Have a look inside, try it on, and pick what helps you most, now, and in the future. A Pep Talk Syrup Did you also love a …
I used to be a stress-junkie. I was trying to do everything, for everyone, to prove that I’m good/smart/hardworking enough to deserve being valued, appreciated, and loved. It was a super fuel for my career, for the development of my skills in many areas, and a justification to think of myself being better than others. Wow, what a mix, right?
Microhabits are daily actions that you design to be so small and short that you won’t have any excuse not to do them regularly. Sounds super simple, right? So where is the magic and why should you care?
Sometimes I like to shock my clients with this exercise when I sense they lack clarity. It’s fast and super effective.
Willing to give it a try?
How often do you feel judged? And how often do you catch yourself judging others? Or yourself?