— VIDEO at the bottom of the post, if you prefer watching to reading. —
If holidays make you stressed because you have no idea how to make it through without any drama with your kids, then read up. The message today is for you.
No matter if you’re the yelling mom, the avoider, the total pleaser who ends up being walked over, or however else you see yourself… If you find that your kids know the secret to making you feel completely inadequate/clueless/helpless/disrespected as a mother, there’s one thing you need to do first.
And if you joined us for the second Zen Supermom Summit, then you already know what that is.
Do you remember?
“It’s not about the kids pushing your buttons,
It’s about you having something to be pushed in the first place.”
Yes, the work starts with you.
Of course, kids don’t always listen and it’s not ok. But you can respond in a calm, wise manner so that it has the effect of correcting the behavior without any emotional side effect on you and your child that you would regret later.
You have the power to calm down any and all of the drama.
And it starts with you feeling centered, calm, and free of any of your own drama going on inside.
Makes sense?
It might but it looks like an impossibly big mountain to climb?
One step after the other…
So what’s that first step about your buttons/triggers?
Watch here. I made a 14 min video that will tell you where to start.
This is a life-long journey for all of us, and it’s ok.
Let me know what you’re taking away from it afterward.
May the force be with you!