First Aid Kit to Lift Your Mood
Are you feeling down today? Maybe too tired, stressed, exhausted, overworked…
If that’s the case, this is your first aid kit. Have a look inside, try it on, and pick what helps you most, now, and in the future.
A Pep Talk Syrup
Did you also love a cough syrup when you were a child? So smooth, comforting and sweet like a honey! It always made me feel better instantly. Even before any real chemical instances kicked in.
So think about this as your syrup. To heal instantly with that comforting, warm feeling inside. No need to do anything. Just BE.
You are enough.
You are beautiful inside out, now and always. Doesn’t matter what imperfections bother you in the mirror. I bet there’s someone out there who loves them. And who loves you despite – because of them.
You are doing the best you can.
You’re a courageous, brave soul who dared to step out of her comfort zone. It’s not always easy but that’s what makes you stronger. You’ve done this before. You’ve got this!
You’re an inspiration. I bet you can think of at least 3 people right now on the spot who feel inspired by you.
You’re a great mom. The fact that you feel guilty sometimes and feel like you could do better – that’s a sign that you’re great. Great moms look for ways to get better. They keep growing with their children.
It’s all OK. You might not feel that way right now but everything is going exactly the way it’s supposed to be. Tough times are lessons to be learned from. Bad moods are there to strengthen your muscles to jump back up and shine. You can do that.
Your Inner Balance Stethoscope
Imagine you could put on a stethoscope – that funny thing the doctors plug in their ears and then place the other end on your chest to hear what’s going on inside. As if you could check yourself now:
What feels out of balance?
What do you need to recover?
Close your eyes and listen well.
Chances are if you’re anything like me or the mammas I know, you’re spread too thin. Too many things to do, not enough time and energy for all of them. And you, your health and well being is at the bottom of that list. Would that be a fair summary?
Is it more quality time with your children to stop the guilty voices in your head?
Is it more downtime for yourself? Time to relax, exercise, or pick up your old hobby?
Start-Stop-Continue Diagnosis
To feel lighter, it helps to offload and focus on the priorities.
What do you need to STOP doing – permanently, or temporarily?
What would you like to START doing instead?
And while doing those changes, what are the priorities you need to CONTINUE with?
It’s a simple decluttering exercise. You can write this down on a piece of paper and display it well to stay on track in the coming days.
Call In Help
Do you also suffer from a superhero, can-do-it-all-by-myself disease? I’m guilty of it too, no worries. But sometimes to get better, we have to ask others to step up.
Is there something you could delegate or offload?
There was a point when I realized that cleaning was my blind spot. I spent 3-4 hours a week of cleaning that could have been outsourced to a professional cleaning company. Yes, it took more organization and money to do but it freed me up!
Think about how you spend your time every week.
What can be optimized and outsourced?
And where could you leverage your partner/spouse and kids to help out? Are they pulling their weight?
I used to have a victim attitude, feeling so sorry for myself for doing everything around our home, waiting for my husband to see it and offer help. Sure he did but not as much as I was hoping for. He’s not a mind-reader, most of the men are not! So I learned to ask for help and be specific. That turned out to be the most effective way.
What specifically would you like your husband and children to help with?
Go ahead and ask them today kindly.
A Sleeping Pill
Sometimes the world looks brighter after a nap or a good night’s sleep.
When is the last time you had a good, refreshing sleep?
What could be some easy way how you could improve the quality of your sleep tonight?
And though the headline suggests it, this is not an invitation to grab a sleeping pill. Try to experiment with different ways if you haven’t found out what works for you yet.
This is your Feel Better First Aid Kit
Feel free to pick what’s useful and go through with it.
And please know that you’re not alone. Chances are, there’s another mamma out there feeling the same way you are.
Share your story and tips about what helps you feel better instantly!
Take care and shine bright,